12 Machine Learning Books You Should Read in 2023
This complements the list that I posted earlier under the title “Math for Machine Learning: 14 Must-Read Books”, available here. Many of the books in the new list have a free PDF version, their own website and GitHub repository, and usually you can purchase the print version. Some are self-published, with the PDF version regularly updated, and even browsable online. I included a few textbooks from top companies and universities. Whenever possible, the link to the free version is posted included in the article.
The list is broken down as follows:
- Published in 2020 or later
- Prior to 2020
In the second category, I included books that are very useful and popular, available for free if possible, yet not well known by everyone. In short, hidden gems. I also added free textbooks from Berkeley, Harvard, Columbia, Cornell, MIT, Microsoft, and more.
Read the full, commented list, here.