Military-grade Fast Random Number Generator Based on Quadratic Irrationals
There are very few serious articles in the literature dealing with digits of irrational numbers to build a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG). It seems that this idea was abandoned long ago due to the computational complexity and the misconception that such PRNG’s are deterministic while others are not. Actually, my new algorithm is less deterministic than congruential PRNGs currently used in all applications. New developments made this concept of using irrational numbers, worth revisiting. It believe that my quadratic irrational PRNG debunks all the myths previously associated to such methods.
Thanks to new developments in number theory, quadratic irrational PRNGs — the name attached to the technique presented here — are not only just as fast as standard generators, but they also offer a higher level of randomness. Thus, they represent a serious alternative in data encryption, heavy simulation or synthetic data generation, when you need billions or trillions of truly random-like numbers. In particular, a version of my algorithm computes hundreds (or millions) of digits for billions of irrational numbers at once. It combines these digits to produce large data sets of strong random numbers, with well-known properties. The fast algorithm can easily be implemented in a distributed architecture, making it even faster. It is also highly portable and great to use when exact replicability is critical: standard generators may not lead to the same results depending on which programming language or which version of Python you use, even if your seed is static.
To read more and get a copy of my article with Python code, follow this link.